
Monster hunter : legends of the guild
Monster hunter : legends of the guild

The Elder Dragon is revealed to be a Lunastra, a blue female Manticore-like Elder Dragon with powers to cause explosions with her powder. Aiden, Julius, and Nox reach the site where the Elder Dragon was sighted. Julius agrees to bring Aiden to see the Elder Dragon to confirm the upcoming attack so that the villagers will agree to evacuate. He soon learns from the Wyverian leader that an Elder Dragon, a monster that can devastate the environment and leave mass destruction in its wake, is on its migration path to the New World, which will bring it through Aiden's village. Aiden captures Nox and brings him to the village to show Julius. Aiden finds the hideout of the Melynx, named Nox. Soon Aiden learns from Julius that the monster that took the livestock, an anthropomorphic catlike Lynian creature called a Melynx, was the true culprit and the tracks Aiden was following were fake. Aiden is almost eaten by the monster until Julius, a Hunter from the guild, saves him and escorts him back to the village. He is sent into the wild to find the monster that stole some livestock from the village, only to encounter a Velocidrome, a large, blue, Velociraptor-like Bird Wyvern. Aiden had taken it upon himself to hunt down these monsters for his neighbors.

monster hunter : legends of the guild

Since the village is so small and remote, the people cannot afford the time or zenny (the in-world currency) required to go to the nearest Guild-house whenever some minor monster makes a pest of itself. Ten years ago, Aiden was a teenager living in a small mountain village. Hoping to humble the youngsters, Aiden recounts his own tale of his first encounter with an Elder Dragon. Plot īefore Monster Hunter: World, as the Fifth Fleet makes its way across the Great Sea to the New World, a group of young hunters aboard the flagship begin to brag about the upcoming battle against the Elder Dragon, Zorah Magdaros, only to be silenced by Aiden, a veteran hunter sitting nearby. The film premiered on August 12, 2021, on Netflix. It is based on the Japanese video game franchise Monster Hunter by Capcom.

monster hunter : legends of the guild

Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild is an American CG animated fantasy film by Steve Yamamoto in his directorial debut.

Monster hunter : legends of the guild